Crime Prevention Advice

Crime Prevention Advice

I recently met with our local police to discuss the increase in crime and anti-social behaviour we have seen across our community.

The police assured me that they are working hard with the limited resources they have to put a stop to the activity (particularly the thefts) by:

👮Increasing their patrols, particularly in crime and ASB hotspots

👮Using intelligence to predict where criminals/theives will target next

👮Arresting those caught or strongly suspected to be involved with the criminal activity/thefts

The police have issued some of the following crime prevention advice below 👇

Finally, the police have provided me with various stickers and leaflets to share with our residents. If you would like some materials to display in your home/vehicle(s), please get in touch to arrange collection or delivery (Fernhill residents only, please). 🚔🚔🚔

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