Sandy Lane Traffic Calming

Sandy Lane Traffic Calming


Please sign the petition to see further traffic calming measures introduced onto Sandy Lane!

In our recent Speeding and Traffic Calming survey, 54% of respondents indicated that they were concerned about speeding and dangerous driving on Sandy Lane!

Hampshire County Council has said that “there is no prospect for introducing further traffic calming measures (in Sandy Lane)” BECAUSE “these are only considered where there is a need to address issues of excessive traffic speed with a related road casualty history”…

Sandy Lane has had motorists deaths, it’s also had accidents that have resulted in life changing or serious injuries.

Local Resident Geoffrey Bateman has launched a petition asking the council to listen to the views of local residents and amend their decision not to explore further traffic calming measures on the road.

If you would like to see the decision reconsidered, please sign the petition below 👇

Sign the Petition

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