Author Archives: Abe Allen

Good News! Following my swift intervention with local business owners, contractors are now out filling in those awful potholes!

Introducing Juergen, the Employment & Training Officer for VIVID Homes in Rushmoor. I recently met with him at the Mayfield Community Centre to discuss the support he can offer. He is always happy to help on a 1-2-1 basis (CV support, help with (online) applications and cover notes, preparations for interviews, pre-work support, in-work support, support with training courses). He said “Sometimes it is just a little thing that needs addressing, like tweaking a cover note or giving more precise and appropriate answers at interviews, but job hunting is a bit like playing darts. You don’t win unless you hit the double”. If you are a VIVID tenant (including leaseholders, those in shared ownership and those living in a VIVID owned property) and interested in support from Juergen, please contact me for a direct referral or email [email protected]

Just a reminder that the police have provided me with various stickers and leaflets to share with residents. If you would like some materials to display in your home/vehicle(s), please get in touch to arrange collection or delivery.

It’s been 6 weeks since I wrote to Cllr Roz Chadd about the bunds on Chapel Lane, following the deputation to Hampshire County Council. I’ve written to her today requesting a follow up  Roz Chadd, your constituents and I are waiting to hear back from you about the bunds…

I recently met with our local police to discuss the increase in crime and anti-social behaviour we have seen across our community. The police assured me that they are working hard with the limited resources they have to put a stop to the activity (particularly the thefts) by: Increasing their patrols, particularly in crime and ASB hotspots Using intelligence to predict where criminals/theives will target next Arresting those caught or strongly suspected to be involved with the criminal activity/thefts The police have issued some of the following crime prevention advice below Finally, the police have provided me with various stickers and leaflets to share with our residents. If you would like some materials to display in your home/vehicle(s), please get in touch to arrange collection or delivery (Fernhill residents only, please).

LOCAL BUS FARES CAPPED AT £2!!! Happy New Year! From today (1 Jan 23), most single journey bus fares are now capped at £2 per ticket! The cap applies to adult, student, child and concessionary tickets. If your journey is usually less than £2, it’ll stay the same price. The scheme is in place between 1 Jan 23 – 31 Mar 23. For more info visit:…/national/2-pound-fare

On the 30th December 2022, we held a community litter pick in the Fernhill Ward. Several bags were collected throughout the litter pick and we additionally reported some of the fly-tipping we found throughout the litter pick to the council. Extending thanks and gratitude to all who helped . Please keep an eye on Here For Fernhill for details of our next community litter pick!

Had a fantastic time this evening with Rushmoor Rotary Club collecting some funds and taking Santa to visit children in the area! Merry Christmas!

Following my letter to Cllr Christine Guinness about establishing “warm banks” within Rushmoor earlier this year, I am pleased to confirm that your Rushmoor Labour team have been working closely with Rushmoor Council and other local individuals and organisations to deliver Warm & Welcoming Places within our community. Further information about the scheme can be found here:…/warm-and-welcoming-spaces/ Please feel free to get in touch if you would like further information or require any assistance.

We know that there are many people struggling with the cost of living. Some sources of help include the following: The Church of the Good Shepherdon Sand Hill operate a community larder and “No Questions Asked Bags”, containing food and essential items which can be collected on Fridays between 10 and 12. The church relies on donations – these can be dropped off between 3 and 4 on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. If you are struggling to pay council tax, you may be eligible for council tax support or for help from the hardship fund. You can apply for this by calling 01252 398914 or emailing [email protected]. Citizens Advice have grants available to help with energy costs. Please contact Citizens Advice Rushmoor on 01252 513051 or via The Vine Centre also can give payments of up to £200 to people struggling with utility bills – to see if you’re eligible, call 01252 400196 or email [email protected]. Rushmoor…

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