
SPEEDING & DANGEROUS DRIVING IN FERNHILL – WE WANT YOUR VIEWS We are keen to hear from residents about their opinions on speeding and dangerous driving within Fernhill and what, if any, traffic calming measures would be effective. We have identified three initial areas of concern; Fernhill Road, Chapel Lane and Sandy Lane and we would be grateful if residents could spend 5 minutes of their time filling out our survey. Please visit bit.ly/FHSpeeding to complete the survey.

Following last week’s deputation to Hampshire County Council regarding the Bunds on Chapel Lane, I have now written to Hampshire County Councillor Roz Chadd, requesting her response and confirmation of the actions that she and Hampshire County Council will be taking to address the concerns of our community. I’ll keep you posted! Letter below

Earlier today, Mak (Chapel Pharmacy owner) and I presented the ”Bin the Bunds” petition to the council. The petition was presented on the grounds of appearance, safety, congestion, anti-social behaviour and environmental impacts. We asked the Council to consider and agree to three things: 1) Remove the bunds 2) Provide Additional Parking Spaces 3) Provide Bicycle Racks and Storage/shelter outside the Chapel Lane shops Sadly, the council does not respond to presentations/deputations on the day, however we hope that our efforts today will start a conversation in Hampshire County Council and persuade them to take action. I will continue with this campaign and will continue to fight for their removal, in the hope that a safer, more attractive solution that provides much needed parking spaces can be installed. We can do this See the full speech from myself and Mak below

As National Apprenticeship Week 2021 draws to a close and as a previous apprentice, I thought I’d write a blog post which details my experiences and some advice for those of you looking to become or hire an apprentice. Scroll down for more… My Experience I started my apprenticeship in January 2017 at 16 years old, having just left school with my GCSEs. I undertook the Civil Service Fast Track Apprenticeship scheme which provided me with the opportunity to gain a Level 4 qualification in Business Administration. My apprenticeship offered me a permanent position in the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government where I was *technically* a Policy and Assurance adviser for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) – albeit, I put my fingers in many pies and had a very varied role! In addition to administering ERDF, I also supported the department’s initial response to the Grenfell Tower…

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