Category Archives: Uncategorized

Another Virgin Media Street cabinet reported on Pinewood Park. This time with graffiti!

Great to see that Virgin Media were quick to repair the street cabinet I reported earlier this week. Also pleased to see that the pot/sinkhole I reported on the pavement has been marked up for repair!!

COMMUNITY LITTER PICK Local group Heart of Farnborough will be holding a litter pick in the Chapel Lane area on Saturday 13th May between 10:30am and 12:30pm! Interested? Have a look at the post below for more details! See you there!

Fernhill School are looking for Learning Support Assistants and exam invigilators amongst many other roles! Please take a look at the link below for further information.

Thank you Mak Johal for your endorsement and support!  Remember – local elections are taking place next week on Thursday 4th May! Please use your vote  You can read more about what I want to achieve for our community here:…/Fernhill-Election… and here: IMAGE READS: “I have enjoyed working with Abe recently, on the campaign to remove the bunds on Chapel Lane. I am proud to be supporting his campaign for election to Rushmoor.” “Having spent over 30 years as the local pharmacist for our community, I know the difference that it will make for residents to have someone like Abe, who is prepared to hold the council to account and fight tirelessly for local residents.” “Abe has been persistent with his campaign to remove the bunds and improve the parking and road safety situation outside the Chapel Lane stores, and across our community more widely.” “Abe has my full support this year,…

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Potholes and a broken street cabinet on Pinewood Park – reported

Happy St George’s Day!

Pleased to see that Hampshire have now carried out temporary patch works to Chapel Lane just days after my hastener! Whilst the repairs are temporary, I am assured that they are currently exploring longer term solutions for this part of the road.

If anyone would like a poster to display, please feel free to contact me and I can drop one off! I know some people have already asked for one and I’ll be dropping them off to you in the next week or so

I’ve emailed Hampshire Highways today to follow up about the awful road conditions on Chapel Lane! I will keep you posted about if/when the road is going to be repaired
